A little about me
Seventh Realm Productions My publishing label.
Where were you born? Enfield – I’m a North London gal.
How long have you been writing? Since I was tall enough to sneak into the classroom stock cupboard and take blank exercise books home in my bag. I went through loads – filling them with short stories. I was so scared I was going to get caught and expelled – then I got a computer.
Where do you find your inspiration? I grew up reading the likes of Narina and The Hobbit and they really moved me into wanting to make my own fantasy world then one day I thought, why don’t I just do it?
What was the first book you wrote? Haha is that a trick question? Well, the first ‘published’ book was of course The Raystone, meant to be a standalone project to keep me busy during the lonely summer holidays (I wasn’t exactly hanging out with all the ‘cool’ kids). However, I was writing stories and little standalone projects long before. They’ve been lost to time now, but I still write little projects and fanfics in between books or to work my way out of writer’s block.
Fanfics? Yes, fanfiction.
Ooh. May we see an example? No.
So aside from writing what else do you like doing? Let’s be clear on this – I am a geek. I play video games, watch cheesy sci-fi films, and attend conventions. I am a huge fan of the Sonic and Zelda video game franchise. I also enjoy music concerts where I’m nearly always at the front rocking out to my favourite band.
Favorite movie? Beetlejuice
Favourite TV show? Hmmm, Good Omens but it kind of ties with Stranger Things.
Worst thing about writing? The editing process!
Best thing about writing? Being able to share stories with the world. All my books carry subliminal messages of hope and being true to yourself. There is trial and tribulation, just like in real life. The Raystone Saga especially has plenty of heartbreak and challenges for the young heroes, but there is also love, laughter, and unbreakable friendships.
And those are the things that we should focus on maintaining- daily.