Next event:
Hertford Heritage Day
Sunday 8th September
Hertford Castle
Castle Street,
SG14 1HR
See events page for more details
Hertford Heritage Day
Sunday 8th September
Hertford Castle
Castle Street,
SG14 1HR
See events page for more details
You’re in my world now!
Meet C.L Gristwood, also known as Claire Gristwood!
Claire has been writing since she was old enough to string a sentence together and has so far produced seven self published books with two more currently in the works.
Her cherished ‘baby’ is the epic fantasy series The Raystone Saga- a project more than twenty years in the making and a firm favourite at signing events.
Claire also offers free advice and guidance for any aspiring authors, including what pitfalls to look out for, drawing on her own experiences over the years.
We also have a growing collection of books on our store page. This is updated periodically so check back regularly to keep up to date with our latest releases.
Coming Soon
Enter Aiseldo. View exclusive charecter profiles, exlusive artwork, and more from The Raystone Saga.