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Book signing at Hertford Christmas Gala

Hertford Town

Hertford Castle Christmas Market Set within the beautiful historic county town, this event boasts an array of Christmas market stalls offering homeware, crafts, jewellery, and much more! The whole town will be closed off as the local talent and trade help you kick off the festive season in style. As well as the market there [...]

Book signing at Brentwood Comic Con

the brentwood centre The Brentwood Centre, Brentwood

We're back in Brentwood! Yes we enjoyed ourselves so much in May that we're back- almost six months to the day- on Sunday 10th November between 10am till 4pm. A great day of wholesome geeky fun including, cool collectables, a dedicated card gaming area, fabulous photo ops and (my personal favourite) retro gaming section to [...]


Hertford Castle Hertford Town Council, Hertford

One of our first and still one of our favourite events. Hertford Heritage Day is on Sunday 8th September and we are going to be there! This event never fails to outdo itself each year with falconry displays, archery, fire-breathing, battle re-enactments and a tonne of other family-friendly events, including the opening of Hertford's famous [...]

Seventh Realm Productions